
The Border Patrol was chasing a vehicle that was speeding away, but ended up impacted in the back of a trailer in Encinal, Texas, leaving four people dead and three injured.

According to the first reports, the alleged “coyotes” were told to stop, but instead they accelerated and led the authorities into a high-speed chase.

The events occurred in the same city where this week 53 immigrants died, because they were locked up without ventilation , or water, and under high temperatures.

The new incident involving immigrants occurred near the Love en la Ruta truck stop 35, Encinal police said, according to the KHOU report 11.

Officers responding to a Border Patrol request for assistance saw the “suspect vehicle” speed off of I-35 and colliding with the tractor trailer, Police Chief Pablo Balboa III was cited.

The vehicle is a white Jeep, which was destroyed due to the impact at high speed. Among the dead is the driver, it was said.

The three injured were taken by helicopter to local hospitals. Police posted a photo of the accident on Twitter.

The investigations into this mishap are just beginning, while the authorities move forward with the case of the 64 immigrants who were transported in the abandoned trailer, where 53 died.

Among the victims of the tragedy in the trailer there are minors.

By Scribe