
Peruvian ceviche is one of the most exquisite dishes of this Latin American country, and although it has several ways of preparation, the truth is that to achieve its characteristic flavor an essential ingredient is needed, this is tiger milk.

Despite its name, leche de tigre is nothing more than a juice that is formed from the traditional preparation of this dish, but it makes the final difference when preparing a good ceviche. Its flavor is so delicious that it is considered an aphrodisiac.

Tiger milk makes a good ceviche

Before, this ingredient was nothing more than the concentrate of the juice that remained after preparing a ceviche with lemon, fish, onion and salt, it was eaten alone or kept for future preparations. Little by little, different recipes emerged that are now integrated to obtain the flavor of a perfect Peruvian ceviche.

So, this juice is obtained by mixing, with a blender, fish, preferably sea bass, with equal parts of different ingredients, the most common are lemon juice, red onion and garlic, however, being a traditional preparation, some more are added. Salt and ice are added to the result until a light and homogeneous cream is obtained.

Ingredients to make leche de tigre

– 50 gr of fish, preferably sea bass.

– 100 ml of fish broth.
– 150 ml of lemon juice.
– 50 gr of purple onion.
– 1 sprig of fresh coriander.
– gr of salt.
– A pinch of freshly ground black pepper.
– 15 gr of peeled celery.

How to prepare tiger’s milk

1 . Beat the lemon juice with the fish and the fish broth.

two. Add the julienne onion and chopped celery and integrate together with the salt, pepper, coriander and ice. The cold is important to prevent the fish from turning into ceviche.

3. The liquid will be thicker depending on the amount of broth you use. Ideally, it should be as light as coconut water.

4. You can add a bit of spice to give it a different flavor. It should be refrigerated and eaten very cold.

Although leche de tigre is added as an ingredient to Peruvian ceviche, it is also used as a dish on its own. It is said that it cures hangovers and that taking it alone, as a juice with lemon and coriander, has aphrodisiac characteristics.

However you decide to take it, you already know what the secret is so that the Peruvian ceviche has its powerful flavor.

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By Scribe