
Several clinics report an increase in requests for information and appointments to perform the procedure because men fear for the safety of their partners in the event of an unplanned pregnancy.

The number of men who plan to have a vasectomy increased after the United States Supreme Court last Friday annulled the historic ruling known as Roe v. Wade, who since 1973 guaranteed the right to abortion in the country.

A spokesman for the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio reported that the place has had a “ significant increase” in the scheduling of vasectomy requests.

They detailed that they regularly receive three to four requests per day, but from Friday to Wednesday they received 90.

In an interview with WPLG-TV, the Dr. David Robbins, a urologist in North Miami, Florida, commented that calls at his clinic have increased so much that he is considering going on Saturdays to meet the demand for appointments.

While in Missouri, the Dr. Christian Hettinger, a urologist at Kansas City Urology Care, said they have received many calls seeking information about the procedure.

“As of Friday, we have increased the number of people seeking vasectomies by 900%,” he told NBC affiliate KSHB.

Ohio, Texas , Florida and Missouri are among the states that had so-called trigger laws for abortion, ready to quickly ban or severely restrict the procedure after the Roe vs. Wade.

This increase in vasectomy requests is due to the fact that men, who do not want more children, try to protect their wives, to avoid an unplanned pregnancy and put their health at risk. their partners.

Paul Rahfield Jr. , aged 37 of New Orleans, said he scheduled a vasectomy because he felt that, with the Supreme Court decision and the Louisiana ban, his wife’s safety was at risk.

“If Roe hadn’t been reversed, my wife wouldn’t have been thinking about having a ligation, nor would I have opted for a vasectomy. Louisiana plans to punish women as much as possible. We don’t want children. Very simply, my wife is my life. These laws create too many scenarios that endanger the safety of my wife, “he detailed.

By Scribe