
With the aim of reactivating the celebrations for the Independence of Mexico after two years of not being held massively due to the Covid pandemic-19, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced that the services of Los Tigres del Norte were hired so that with their show they enliven the Ceremony of the traditional Cry of Independence in the Zócalo of the capital.

However, the president clarified that the famous musical group formed in 1968 will not receive the same amount that is usually charged in other events, since the fact of performing during the night of 15 in September in a certain way it represents an act of solidarity with the country’s history.

“We are saving, because Franciscan poverty is enough for there to be joy and happiness in our people. Also, it is a historic day. They will be with us, before and after the Shout, they will act, Los Tigres del Norte will participate”, he mentioned.

They will receive less pay

For his part, Jesús Ramírez Cuevas, spokesman for the Presidency, reiterated that the musical group will receive “less than what it regularly charges.”

“They are singers, they will charge, but not the same as they regularly charge, it will be less”, he reiterated at the National Palace.

For the ceremony of the Cry of Independence of the 15 of September, the authorities plan to open the Zócalo of Mexico City to the entire population in such a way that a popular festival can be held, where the group Originally from Mocorito, Sinaloa, she will be in charge of livening up the evening by interpreting several songs from her extensive repertoire such as: La mesa del comer, Golpes en el corazón, La Granja y el circus, and Jefe of bosses, to name a few.

The importance of the presentation of the group that plays northern and regional Mexican music, is that in a certain way it represents its reconciliation with the federal government, after years ago, under the administration of a different party in power, most of their musical repertoire was deleted from radio stations by presidential mandate, as they were considered to promote drug trafficking through their corridos.

However, what the songs really expose is a painful reality that has hit the population for years, because in the Narcocorridos talk about the impunity with which drug cartels operate in Mexico.

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By Scribe