
Users of social networks use these platforms to share all kinds of content, the most viral being those in which certain businesses or popular brands are reported internationally.

Precisely on Facebook, a woman made a publication to expose a company dedicated to selling various snacks, because after buying one of its famous potatoes she found a mouse inside the product, which caused discomfort not only in her, but also in the rest of the netizens.

The user highlighted that she did not alter the content of the bag to affect the brand, since everything happened as she described it in the publication, in one of the videos he clearly captured the dead rodent among the contents of the bag of potato chips.

The complaint was intended to alert consumers, since it is a quite popular brand among the Mexicans, “they called me from quality control and to compensate for the bitter pill of my experience, they asked me for my address to send a supply of products” added the user regarding the response she had from the company.

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By Scribe