Horoscope for today October 4, 2022
03/21 – 04/19
Your responsibility and level of commitment to work will increase. Your achievements will not go unnoticed by your superiors and you will probably receive an extra financial reward. You will feel that your efforts are valued and that your position becomes more solid.
05/20 – 05/20
When taking a new direction, evaluate reality objectively and with your mind” cold”, and if you do not feel sufficiently prepared, it is better to consult with someone impartial who can advise you. It will be an opportune moment to contact abroad.
05/21 – 06/20
Negotiations on shared properties, finances and investments will be activated . The time has come for you to put order in the papers, especially those related to successions, inheritances or mortgages. Tensions may arise between the parties, but in the end the light will reign over the darkness.
6/21 – 7/20
If you find yourself as a couple, get ready because there will be new winds and there will be pleasant surprises. If you are single, someone who will interest you will appear on the horizon, but it may be difficult for you to take the first step to commit, do not evaluate it too much.
04 /21 – 08/21
If you work in a dependency relationship you will obtain the recognition of your superiors and you could even receive a salary increase that you have been waiting for a long time or a ascent. If you are a boss or owner of a business, it will improve the relationship with your employees.
07/22 – 09/22
Your wish will coincide with the circumstances and you will have everything in your favor to free yourself from ties, develop your creativity and enrich your life. In addition, someone will be attracted to you and will be willing to accept your conditions. What do you lose by trying?
09/23 – 10/22
These will be favorable days to reach agreements with your family on money or property issues because there will be a willingness to overcome possible differences, leave selfishness aside and think about the benefit of everybody. You will see the past with renewed eyes.
08/23 – 11/22
Today you will learn what companionship and collaboration are. Your mental processes will be accelerated so you will be able to make discoveries and find creative solutions to old problems. In addition, you will express yourself clearly, so take the opportunity to arrange job interviews.
11/23 – 12/20
A great achievement awaits you in the economic field. You will feel more ambitious and enterprising, but the opportunities will not come by themselves and the more you move, the more you will earn. You may break the piggy bank to invest in technology or machinery.
12/21 – /19
The moon in your sign will give you the impetus to start a new cycle and to free yourself from the past. The time has come to make decisions and assume responsibilities on your own. Take the opportunity to take care of those areas that interest you on a personal level.
01/20 – 02/12
It will be very good for you to spend a few moments alone and rediscover yourself. You still have some outstanding issues to resolve, so take advantage of the day to do a review. When you finally resolve your past you will feel “lighter baggage”.
02/20 – 03/20
Your social life will take on new dimensions, you will participate in groups in which There will be an exchange of ideas and communication will be activated in all its forms. In addition, you will have the opportunity to start projects that will bear fruit in the near future.