“It was as if they put a fist in my face, suddenly I woke up confused of what happened”… This is how Adamari López recalled the moment that, ago 06 years old, she received the news that she had breast cancer.
Ada was a guest on journalist Mónica Mendoza’s Podcast ‘Mija Talks’, which she titled ‘Let’s talk about the Boobs’… The presenter of ‘Hoy Día’, who every year, in October, a month dedicated to raising awareness about the prevention of breast cancer, becomes a very present activist, remembered what she lived through 18 years, when with 33 She was at her best both professionally and personally, since she had just gotten engaged to Luis Fonsi, and was only thinking about planning the wedding, when she received unimagined news.
“18 years ago, by chance, I touched my breast, I was scratching myself… Since I had my period I thought of those nodules coming out, but I still went to The doctor for another pain that gave me in another part of the body and since it was there…”, Adamari began by telling Mendoza.
That was how, because of the stomach pain, she left with two prescriptions to have rays: one for her most urgent discomfort and a mammogram, just to rule out bad thoughts.
“Nothing came out of the stomach, but a tumor did appear that the radiologist thought was malignant and that had to be biopsied… From then on, that roller coaster of feelings and emotions began that led to the discovery that I had a malignant tumor in the breast, the operations, the second, third and fourth opinions that I had to do, and the whole process that I had to go through to recover“, he continued in this talk of two women talking about the processes of life .
As he explains in ‘Mija Talks ‘, what followed the news was taking action, which involved a path of many tests. “I had 6 chemotherapies, with some injections that followed, plus the removal of the breast, and later I had to remove the other because I had microcalcifications that I had to keep checking”, but not everything ended there, because variables slipped into the process not thought.
“When I removed the other breast it gave me MRSA, which it’s like a disease that is a bacteria resistant to penicillin and that is very difficult to eliminate from the body, you have to have a slightly more aggressive treatment. In short, it was complicated but I went well, I have been 18 years as a survivor and I feel good, in good spirits, without any desire to have any other disease again, but with the message and the teaching of what I experienced”, López assured the Colombian journalist.
Mónica asked Adamari for the moment more hard throughout her transit through cancer, to which the presenter and actress did not hesitate to confess that it was the very beginning of all this:
“The hardest hit is the initial news, seeing me healthy, well, at that moment I had just gotten engaged to get married, it was as if they put a fist in my face and they knocked me out, suddenly I wake up confused of what happened… At that moment I didn’t want it to be hopeless because I got very good energy… I was more concerned about the reaction of everyone around me, my dad who had heart problems and I thought it could affect him by giving him an arrhythmia… Seeing them suffer so much and I had to hide my feelings so that it would be okay”, he recalled.
Mónica Mendoza asked her one of those questions that are usually the curiosity of all women, and one of the greatest uncertainties for those who receive the news: what happens when Do you look in the mirror again missing one or both breasts?
“Everything is a process, I felt that I had such beautiful breasts, proportionate to my height, I still thought I was young, I had 33 years old, I was coquettish, about to get married, I wanted to have children, I wanted to breastfeed… Suddenly I find myself with a breast At least, they put an expander on you, and they create a space for you in all that they took out between the mass and the muscle, and it was higher on me.
I had one breast where it normally was and another higher up, it looked like a deformity in the chest, but my thoughts were positive, I myself was working on my head because now I was going to have cuter ones . It doesn’t mean that it wasn’t hard, before each job there was suffering, but it doesn’t mean that it won’t happen… I had a lot of faith in God, and I was fortunate to have my family. and the people who love me around“, explained Adamari.
A 18 years Having gone through all this process, Ada confessed to Monica that the disease taught her to listen to her body, something that she reaffirmed when she neglected herself and an influenza that was not treated in time returned her to a hospital where she even had to go through an induced coma. At that time he already had Alïa and his strength was not to leave his daughter without a mother.
In the Podcast that you can find on all digital platforms such as Spotify, Amazon Music or Apple, for example , Adamari also spoke about loneliness, her daily struggle to stay healthy, not to indulge in junk food or soft drinks, her decision to separate and her happiness living with herself, enjoying her bond with her daughter Alaïa.
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