
The International Tennis Integrity Agency (ITIA) suspended Mexican tennis player Luis Patiño for three years for the possession and use of substances included in the list of the World Anti-Doping Agency.

Al Apparently, Patiño confessed the fault, and for that reason the corresponding organisms made the decision to sanction him.

During the investigations, the ITIA determined that the athlete, who is located in the position 764 of the ATP ranking, had in his possession substances such as clenbuterol and stanozolol, both considered prohibited.

Last September 18 Patiño admitted possession and use, or attempted use of both substances, for which he admitted having committed anti-doping rule violations under articles 2.2 and 2.6 of the Tennis Anti-Doping Program (TADP).

The TADP provides for a reduction of one year in the sanction for certain anti-doping rule violations based on admission of the facts.

Therefore, the ITIA determined that the player should be subject to a three-year period of ineligibility, reduced from four years, and retroactive from 15 July 2022, when the player was initially provisionally suspended. Therefore, the player’s ban will be extended until 14 July 2025.

With information from EFE.

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