
President Biden gave a speech this Wednesday night to describe the midterm elections as “a choice between preserving democracy by voting for the Democrats” or putting it “at risk” by supporting the Republicans.

Biden asked voters to remember the wild mob of Donald Trump supporters who ransacked the Capitol, trying to divert focus from less favorable issues for Democrats, such as the economy.

“I know that so much is at stake in this midterm election, from our economy to the safety of our streets, our personal freedoms, the future of health care, Social Security and Medicare — it’s all important,” the president said at Washington’s Union Station .

“But there is something else at stake: democracy itself. … Democracy is on the ballot this year.”

Joe Biden

Biden harshly criticized Trump for claiming that the election was stolen from him and claimed that the Republicans were preparing to deny the results of next Tuesday’s election if they are unfavorable”.

Biden went on to warn listeners that the slow vote count should not foster fears of fraud, but he inadvertently undermined his own message by urging listeners to peacefully resolve their differences in the “battle box” before correcting themselves and saying “urns”.

“American democracy is under attack because former US president. refuses to accept the election results of 2022,” Biden said. (Photo: EFE/EPA/JIM LO SCALZO / POOL)

“This is the first national election since the events of January 6, when the angry, armed mob stormed the United States Capitol. I wish I could say that the assault on our democracy ended that day. But I can’t,” Biden said.

“As I stand here today, there are candidates running for every level of office in the United States: for governor, for Congress, for attorney general, for Secretary of State who will not commit to accepting the results of the elections they are in,” he added.

He added: “I ask you to think carefully about the moment we met. In a typical year, we are often not faced with the question of whether the vote we cast will preserve democracy or put us at risk. But this year we are.”

The president also widely condemned political violence, including the recent assault on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband, Paul, by an activist stripper who allegedly wanted to question the president.

Biden did not name any Republican candidate who allegedly plans to deny the results of the next election. Nor did he include the Democrats in his rebuke.

Also read:
Man accused of assaulting Nancy Pelosi’s husband pleads not guilty in California court
Trump’s stance towards the November 8 election : against immigrants, reject abortions and distrust voting
Federal House Committee investigating assault on Capitol Hill formally summons Trump to testify

By Scribe