
Category 1 Hurricane Lisa made landfall this Wednesday near Belize City, one of the largest cities in Belize, with maximum sustained winds of 24 miles per hour, as reported by the United States National Hurricane Center (NHC).

At 16: 20 local time (21: 20 GMT), Lisa, the sixth hurricane this year, made landfall near the mouth of the Sibun River, about 10 miles ( 16 km) southwest of Belize City.

Satellite images and radar data indicate that Lisa “has made landfall along the coast of Belize,” the NHC reported in a special bulletin.

The Belizean coast, and a strip of the coast of southeastern Mexico , from Chetumal to Puerto Costa Maya, and are under a hurricane warning.

The Government of Honduras has suspended the notice tropical storm for the Bay Islands and the north coast of the Central American country.

Lisa moves west near 10 miles per hour (19 km/h), but its speed is slowing down.

This general movement is expected to continue through today and tomorrow, carrying the center of the hurricane through Belize, then through northern Guatemala and southeastern Mexico.

It will then make a turn to the northwest and decrease in speed as Lisa move over the Bay of Campeche.

According to the trajectory cone predicted by the NHC, it will downgrade to a tropical depression on Friday.

As for Martin, which went from a tropical storm to a hurricane in the middle of the North Atlantic, it is expected to go from a hurricane to an extratropical wave on Thursday without threatening land for now.

Martin became the seventh hurricane of this cyclonic season in the Atlantic basin, which has already entered its last month.

At 17: 00 local time (21: 10 GMT), the center of Martin was located at 1,125 miles (1,815 km) west of the Portuguese Azores islands and 720 miles (1,160 km) from Cape Race , on the Canadian peninsula of Newfoundland.

Its maximum sustained winds are also 100 miles per hour (140 km/h). 2022

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· It is expected that the Tropical Storm Lisa will become a hurricane and make landfall on Wednesday
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By Scribe