
The star player of the NBA, Kyrie Irving was suspended this Thursday by the Brooklyn Nets for at least five games without pay, for promoting an anti-Semitic film and later refusing to apologize clearly and directly, as announced the New York team.

Through a statement issued this Thursday, the Nets let it be known that in recent days they have made “repeated attempts” to work with Irving so that he “understood the damage and danger of his words and actions, which began with him advertising a film that contained deeply disturbing anti-Semitic hate.”

“It left us dismayed that today, when he had an opportunity before the media, Kyrie refused to say unequivocally that he has no anti-Semitic beliefs and that He also didn’t acknowledge the particularly hateful material in the film. This was not the first time that he had the opportunity -and he wasted it- to clarify it”, added the organization.

The directors of the New York team assured that this behavior “goes against the values” of the franchise and noted that Irving, at this time, is not in a position to be associated with the ensemble.

“We have decided that Kyrie will serve a suspension without pay until he meets a series of objective measures and remedial measures that address the damaging impact of his conduct and the period of suspension will not be less than five games,” the Nets said.

Also read: 2022– Brooklyn Nets fire coach Steve Nash after failing to meet expectations in a chaotic cycle
– Kyrie Irving and Brooklyn Nets will donate one million dollars to organizations seeking to eradicate hate2022– NBA Players Association set position against Kyrie Irving: “Anti-Semitism has no place in our society”

By Scribe