
Why is Chyno Miranda in the custody of the Venezuelan state? The answer was confirmed to us by the media and political marketing strategist himself, Irrael Gómez, the singer’s girlfriend, Astrid Falcón, asked him for help to be able to get her boyfriend out of the Tía Panchita clinic, and a civil court found a case and acted.


The judge in charge of the lawsuit filed by the singer’s girlfriend, Astrid Falcón, arrived with a court order saying that for contempt and for the alleged bad conditions in which, according to them, Jesús Miranda was treated, they would take him from the clinic to make an evaluation in another place on the physical and mental conditions in which he was.

The operation took almost an hour, given the late hour of the night, everyone were sleeping in the center, including Chyno. In the middle of the judicial and police procedure, Yarubay Pérez, Miranda’s cousin, who is in charge of him, arrived accompanied by her husband.

In an awkward moment, while the judicial party together with Astrid Falcón wanted to make the order effective, the clinic and the primary refused to let Chyno leave the rehabilitation center and asked for explanations as to why that decision was made.

Finally, in the midst of struggles between the police and the other patients who asked Chyno not to leave, the singer left the guarded place, in an operation of four vans and accompanied by his girlfriend.

Destiny? The judge referred him to the Cedral private clinic, with the sole purpose of doing a detailed physical and psychological evaluation to find out his current condition, but only for that purpose, and to decide who will have, according to the results, the power over Miranda. , which at this moment is under the state.


Chyno Miranda’s girlfriend, Astrid Falcón, asked the strategist of communication and political marketing manager Irrael Gómez, to remove Chyno from ‘Tía Panchita’ through the courts.

“Many complaints had been received, she had seen it for a year, a video was leaked, they said that they gave her ground meat all week, and that the treatments were not adequate”, Irrael Gómez told us by telephone.

So he decided to guide her. “A complaint was filed in a civil court, Astrid is the one who files it, a court is constituted when it is decided that there is a case, and the judge goes to ‘Tia Panchita’… They do not allow her access to the clinic, the judge manages to pass , interview Jesus for about 7 minutes“, explains Irrael.

According to the communication strategist, Chyno had told the judge that he wanted to leave, when Gómez says, that the cousin arrived, who let us remember again that he has custody of him and is responsible for his person, he would have argued or asked the judge for explanations, and according to Irrael, he would have taken the singer to be locked in his room.

“The judge declares the clinic in contempt, and therefore through a prosecution withdraws. He was transferred to a private center to evaluate his condition and at this moment he is under the state, the state is going to define who will have dependent guardianship“, concludes Irrael Gómez.


Through a statement shared with the media, the ‘Tía Panchita’ rehabilitation clinic, where Jesús Miranda was hospitalized for almost a year, denounces the kidnapping of his patient and holds Astrid, the singer’s girlfriend, responsible for what could happen to him away from his treatments.

“The Tía Panchita Nursing Home, CA denounces the kidnapping of which the patient, Mr. Jesús Miranda, better known as ‘El Chyno Miranda’, strange third persons interrupted the 03: 30 PM, without authorization from his relatives and/or his representatives, kidnapped him and broke into his rest. Citizen Astrid Torrealba Falcón, who claims to be his girlfriend, is held responsible for any relapse that the aforementioned Mr. Jesús Miranda, who counts from the beginning of his admission authorized by his relatives in this rehabilitation center, in conditions and treatment with qualified people and high professionalism.

It was all a media show by of the aforementioned citizen, some influencers who only seek international connotation and not the well-being and health of the aforementioned patient, Mr. Jesus Miranda”.

El comunicado de la clínica Tía Panchita acusando a las autoridades del secuestro de Chyno Miranda.El comunicado de la clínica Tía Panchita acusando a las autoridades del secuestro de Chyno Miranda. The statement from the Tía Panchita clinic accusing the authorities of the kidnapping of Chyno Miranda. Photo: Tia Panchita


We took on the task of investigating, and the reality is that everything indicates that it was not, but he was in conditions of equality with the rest of the patients. He lived almost like a prisoner? Nor did he have to comply with rules and norms of coexistence, he had to do homework, treatments and had schedules.

However, every Wednesday he received visitors, and not only that, he also had permission to leave the clinic with his family. He spent the whole day at his mother’s house, Alcira Pérez, and even played sports, batted with a group of friends and family. As you can see in the following photos.

Chyno no estaba privado de su libertad, se le permitía salir a hacer deportes.Chyno en una de sus salidas de la clínica recibiendo en casa de su madre a uno de sus mejores amigos

Chyno in one of his outings from the clinic receiving one of his best friends at his mother’s house. Photo: Top News Agency
Chyno no estaba privado de su libertad, se le permitía salir a hacer deportes.El comunicado de la clínica Tía Panchita acusando a las autoridades del secuestro de Chyno Miranda.Chyno no estaba privado de su libertad, se le permitía salir a hacer deportes.
Chyno was not deprived of his freedom, he was allowed to go out and play sports. Photo: Top News Agency


We learned from people close to the family that Doña Alcira knew this morning what had happened, since when the operation was carried out she was sleeping and her niece did not want to wake her up.

Once she found out, she would have immediately tried to know the whereabouts of her son, who learned about 9 in the morning, although in any case, she could not see him since visits are restricted until his studies and tests are finished.

His cousin, Yarubay Pérez, is actually like his sister, let’s remember that he is an only child. Although some paint her as an interested woman, who takes advantage of this situation to live with her cousin’s money or the money they give her for him, there are even those who assure that she set up a liquor store and that she has a van of the year.

According to what we were able to investigate, none of this would be true. There would be no such liquor store, nor the truck. He would have a motorcycle with which he makes ‘motorcycle taxi’ and, for example, all the money raised at the concert, he uses purely and exclusively to pay for ‘Tía Panchita’, extra treatments and Chyno’s expenses in general.

Chyno en una de sus salidas permitidas por la clínica 'Tía Panchita' junto a su familia luego de hacer deporte.Chyno en una de sus salidas permitidas por la clínica 'Tía Panchita' junto a su familia luego de hacer deporte.

Chyno on one of his outings allowed by the ‘Tía Panchita’ clinic with his family after playing sports . Photo: Top News Agency

For a year, the singer’s mother preferred that her niece had power over Chyno for fear that something would happen to her, Yarubay would have dedicated herself to taking care that her cousin lacked nothing and to be aware of his recovery. Why? Because in addition to family love, being like brothers, they told us that she would be very grateful to the singer for the years he helped them when he was successful in music and had money to spare.


As we told you above, and as Irrael Gómez himself confirmed to us, he is currently admitted to the private clinic El Cedral by court order, where he is being evaluated to determine his mental and physical state, and decide how to proceed accordingly.

But in the midst of this war, the greatest concern it would be that, while he is being evaluated, Chyno would not be receiving the medicine or the treatments that he vitally needs in order not to have a relapse or that his brain swells and has a worse consequence.

At this point, and while his future is being decided, the most important thing is Chyno’s health Miranda who runs a race for her life since, due to her condition, she is a time bomb. Which? his encephalitis, any lack of medication can inflame his brain with serious consequences.

And the other ticking time bomb is his addiction to drugs, although he hasn’t used them since he was admitted to ‘Tía Panchita’, every recovering addict knows that the temptation is great.

And there is still one more concern, after the evaluation, what will happen to Chyno’s fate? Will she stay in that clinic that he is now? Will she go to another? Who will pay for their treatments?

We will tell you all this as we learn.


-Chyno Miranda was transferred from the clinic, after an inspection by a court

-Chyno Miranda: He was not discharged

–-Chyno Miranda will be able to continue receiving treatment thanks to the solidarity of her friends

By Scribe