
The separation of Gerard Piqué and Shakira shocked the world since last June when the news was confirmed by the Colombian herself, therefore, Geraldine Bazán sent her some advice, because she knows what it means to end a relationship of so many years for infidelity and more if there are children involved.

It was in an interview with the media that Bazán spoke about the controversial break between the soccer player and the interpreter of ‘Monotonía’ and pointed out that she suffered the same when she divorced Gabriel Soto, who currently has a commitment to Irina Baeva.

“A separation is definitely difficult, painful, when there are children it is complicated. I’ve always said: ‘there is always life after a divorce and a separation’. What we can live, well, I lived it too, and Shakira is living it, as well as many women around the world who are not dedicated to the media, ”she said.

Although Geraldine is currently doing very well, since she has already a relationship with a businessman, even, he was recently related to the actor Alejandro Nones, reaching that stage of his life with Soto took him a whole grieving process for which he understands Shakira perfectly.

“Of course, it takes time”, and referring to Shakira he said: “She is a woman I have always admired and who is an example of many things. She is a talented, hard-working woman, a good mother”.

It should be remembered that Geraldine Bazán and Gabriel Soto had a mediatic separation, since it was rumored that the actor had cheated on her with Baeva, who in more than one occasion has denied all these sayings.

This is why Geraldine compares herself to Shakira, since the separation between The Colombian and the Barcelona defender, who has just announced his retirement, also occurred amid rumors of infidelity on his part with Clara Chía.

By Scribe