
A Chinese woman of 70 years old named Tian Xinju has become news after it became known that she became a mother for the third time ago 2 years old, that is, when he had 68, a baby who is currently in perfect health.

According to According to the New York Post, Tian, ​​who lives in Shandong province, conceived her daughter naturally with her husband Huang Weiping, from 70, which caused the annoyance of her 2 older children, and all some adults, who withheld their parents’ speech for this reason for a long time.

The woman named her baby Tianci, which means ” sent from heaven” or “gift from heaven” in Mandarin, considering that his birth is a true miracle.

The little girl was born via caesarean section on 29 October 2019 at the Zaozhuang Maternal and Child Hospital in eastern China, Mr. de Tian previously worked as a pediatrician.

Giving birth at 68 years old caused her a family conflict

The couple already had 2 children, a man and a woman, older than 40, now with their own family, who, upon learning of their mother’s pregnancy, threatened never to approach her again.

“When my children found out that I was pregnant, they both hoped that will abort My daughter even said that she would cut ties with me if she continued the pregnancy”” Tian shared.

” I didn’t want this either. Why would I want another child at this age? But it happened and the test results were positive, so we consider it a gift from heaven”, she added.

In fact, the woman remembers how the doctors could not find an explanation for her case and They even suggested that she interrupt the pregnancy for her health; however, she refused to do so and managed to finish it successfully.

Finally, the mother assures that with the birth of the baby, her other 2 children came closer to them again and now they are a family very close.

The mother of 3 children she also has two grandchildren, one 29 years old who is starting college and the other in high school.

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By Scribe