
Today’s horoscope December 29, 2022


03/21 – 04/19

You will tune in to a loving vibration and you will feel united to each one of the beings that inhabit this planet. But take a moment to connect with yourself without spectators. Through music you will awaken subtle sensations that until now were asleep.


04/20 – 05/20

The celestial bodies will promote group outings and meetings with friends. It will be the ideal occasion to watch music shows, visit bars or go partying. Social sharing will help you tune in to a fascinating vibe. You will dissolve barriers.


05/21 – 06/20

When it comes to fulfilling your responsibilities, you will stand out for your self-sacrifice and delivery, for which you will earn well-deserved respect. Your achievements will not go unnoticed in the public eye and your example will become a source of inspiration to many.


6/21 – 7/20

The stars indicate that this is a time for you to connect with self-confidence and bet on what you really want. The landscape is conducive to travel, create expansive relationships, study or start a new path of spiritual development. Follow your inner compass.


07/21 – 08/21

Your interest in sex will deepen. You will be eager to merge and share your intimacy with that being that attracts you so much. In bed you will give yourself body and soul and that will generate a very special chemistry.


08/22 – 09/22

Your desires to share romantic moments will grow. If you are in a relationship you will feel a special connection. If you are still alone, someone will appear who will awaken great fantasies in you. Make sure that feelings of understanding and empathy prevail in your relationships.


09/23 – 10/22

You will be busy and aware of everyday issues. Remember that health is the cornerstone of beauty, so drink fluids to hydrate your skin. If you have plants or pets, make sure that they have the necessary ingredients to grow well.


10/23 – 11/22

Now you will feel that you can express yourself and that there are no limits to show yourself to the world as you are. Your dreams will coincide with those of your loved one and that will be extremely inspiring for you. You will recover the illusion and you will believe in fairy tales again.


11/23 – 12/20

You will be emotional and longing to spend more time at home. Echoes of the past and memorable images will come to you like waves. This look back will help you better understand the present. When you open the chest of memories you will find more than one precious gem.


12/21 – 01/19

The stars invite you to take off your moral suit to bare your soul. When you put words to your feelings you will experience great relief. There is someone who will be willing to listen to you and give you an understanding opinion.


01/20 – 02/18

The little angels will make sure that you do not experience deficiencies of any kind. You will feel that the universe is like a great mother provider who rocks you in her arms. Continue the chain of abundance by providing help to those in need. Solidarity will be your true wealth.


02/19 – 03/20

With the union of the Moon and Neptune in your sign, it will be a day full of new projects. Your sensitive temperament will come out and the world will notice your creative inspiration. You will also be prone to absorbing vibrations from your environment, so preserve your aura.

By Scribe