
The Mexican soccer player Jesús “Canelo” Angulo finished his stage with the Chivas Rayadas of Guadalajara and is heading towards a new facet within the MX League as a new player for the Esmeraldas de León, an institution that hired him for the upcoming Clausura 2023 football tournament Aztec.

Given this fact, the player decided to send an emotional letter to the members of the Sacred Flock through their accounts on social networks to thank them for all the support they gave him during his internship at the club and especially the sports knowledge he received during that stage.

“Today it’s time to close one of the most beautiful stages of my life, I fulfilled my dream, I managed to play for my Chivas, but like everything that begins, it has to end. Today I have to say goodbye, I am grateful to all the people who were part of this beautiful process; Props, Kinesiologists, doctors, teachers, etc. ”, she wrote on his Instagram account.

“But above all my colleagues who always treated me in the best way, I made friends that I will always carry in my heart. I wish them all the success in the world, in the future I hope they can take the Flock to where it deserves because it is a great group and I know they will achieve it ”, he added.

Likewise, he decided to send a message to the fans of Guadalajara, which he considers one of the most important in the country by being completely delivered to his team.

“Special mention for the fans who never abandoned us despite everything, they were always there and personally they always treated me excellent. It wasn’t the way I wanted to go but things happen for a reason and changes are always good. I know that very cool things are coming for me with my new club. It only remains to say THANK YOU CHIVAS”, concluded Angulo.

Jesús Angulo, 25, spent two seasons with Chivas del Guadalajara in which he played more than 80 games and scored 12 goals during his stay.

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By Scribe