
Today’s horoscope January 6, 2023


03/21 – 04/19

Your excessive need for prominence will affect the good coexistence in your home. If you constantly appeal to your commanding voice with your relatives and constantly tell them what they have to do, you will only make them feel annoyed.


04/20 – 05/20

You know a very “fat” secret, but my suggestion is that you continue to keep silent. Although the people around you will bring up the “hot” topics, you should not be tempted to commit indiscretions. Let the others speak for themselves.


05/21 – 06/20

In the effort to impress your friends you could incur excessive waste that destabilizes your economy. There is no reason for you to brag, nor do you have to be paying for other people’s expenses as if you were a millionaire. Take care of the pocket.


6/21 – 7/20

The desire for fame and popularity could attack that sensitive quality that makes you so human. Don’t let the desire to stand out make you lose that distinctive touch. Connecting with your affective world will help you make the best decisions.


07/21 – 08/21

Remember that life is a permanent cycle and that from time to time it is necessary to withdraw a little to finish processing emotions. My suggestion is that you avoid activities that are too ambitious to enter a phase of recollection. Now you need to rest.


08/22 – 09/22

It is possible that you are attracted to a friend, either because you desire him on an erotic level or because you are interested in doing business with him. But your intentions will be a bit shocking. My suggestion is that you preserve the climate in your social circuit, do not ventilate your intimacies!


09/23 – 10/22

A very impetuous character is grabbing your attention with his strong personality. But my suggestion is that you focus on your most important goals, since your present demands an exemplary and responsible attitude. Don’t be distracted by fleeting promises.


10/23 – 11/22

Today you are very focused on your daily dynamics, but remember that work and daily activities cannot cover everything. Consider the possibility of taking a trip or researching a philosophy of life that allows you to develop as a human being.


11/23 – 12/20

When you make important business transactions I suggest that you handle yourself in a rather cautious and conservative manner. Today you need to convey confidence to your business partners or the people who work with you. Leave the bets for another time.


12/21 – 01/19

Your parents, grandparents and relatives do not have the right to mix in your romantic topics or to have an opinion about your relationship, so keep them at bay. If you are single and eager to find a new love, stop hanging around the familiar places and explore new areas.


01/20 – 02/18

Distractions can cause you to stumble or make mistakes, so you’d better give your full attention to what you’re doing. When you’re at work, avoid long talks. Discretion will help you function more efficiently.


02/19 – 03/20

If you want to leave your mark on others, you should act in accordance with your heart. Remember that the one who truly loves you will be inspired by your essential qualities and not by the amount of money you have in the bank.

By Scribe