
The House of Representatives approved its first legislative bill on Monday, a law that would eliminate new funding for the US Treasury (IRS) that Democrats approved in the last legislature as part of an ambitious package of fiscal and climate measures.

To enter into force, the law would have to be ratified in the Senate, where the progressives have a majority, so it is practically impossible for it to do so.

The measure, however, was an electoral promise by the conservatives, who now hold a majority in the House of Representatives, during the mid-term elections last November.

“The government should work for you. Not against you,” House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said in a statement celebrating the bill’s approval.

In a message criticizing the bill, US Vice President Kamala Harris said: “For decades, some of the richest people and corporations in this country have not paid what they owe in taxes.”

Harris, in addition, valued the efforts of his administration to increase the contributions of the highest incomes.

The new financing for the public Treasury, some 80 million dollars, was approved as part of the Inflation Reduction Law, an ambitious fiscal and climate program that seeks to increase the collection of the highest incomes and invest millions of dollars in the green transition.

Much of the funds for the IRS will be used to hire new agents to carry out the collection increases provided for in the law and fight fraud.

Also read:

  • Lower House approved package of rules that represents a challenge for its president Kevin McCarthy
  • Donald Trump called out lawmakers who refused to vote for McCarthy, convincing them to support the Republican
  • Joe Biden congratulates Kevin McCarthy after his election and extends his hand to collaborate

By Scribe