
‘La Casa de los Famosos’ on January 17 will begin a third season and, as many were already used to, because on the previous occasion they enjoyed the presence of panelists and one of them was Alicia Machado, who was the first winner .

Ivonne Montero was extremely lucky that month of August when she was named the winner of $200,000 dollars for having passed all the tests that were put to her for three consecutive months without knowing what was happening abroad.

The 48-year-old Mexican explained that for the moment the same thing will not happen to her, just as the renowned Miss Universe 1996 was doing last season, who also always supported the singer and by naming her the winner expressed her great joy in front of to the television cameras.

“I’m not going to be a panelist, I’m going to be calm, maybe later, right now the truth, blessed God, we have many projects and we’re going to be dedicated to it,” he added in his most recent meeting with the press.

In turn, the reporters took advantage of the moment to find out what she thought about the next contestants, or at least about the few that have been known to date, because the production of the most famous Spanish-speaking reality show has not finished revealing everyone’s names.

“I don’t know anyone very closely, of whom I can tell you about (Arturo) Carmona that I like him very much, we were rehearsing ‘Amor de 3’ at some point, he is a gentleman. (Juan) Rivera I met him a long time ago in a reality show that we were on, we shared a great deal. I don’t know Paty (Navidad) as a person but she also has her character, she is a very intelligent woman, she is a bold woman and Aylín (Mujica) well, she also has her own, Cuban, Caribbean… It will be very interesting, “he explained to the media.

Before walking away from the reporters who were on the site, he added: “The truth is that everyone is temperamental, everyone has their character.”

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By Scribe