
A man spent nearly $23,000 on a wolf costume to fulfill his dream of “becoming a carnivorous animal.”

The man reportedly contacted Zeppet, a Japanese special modeling company, to create an ultra-realistic wolf costume, spending 3 million yen, or about $22,700, to transform into the gray-furred canine.

“Because of my childhood love for animals and some realistic animal costumes that were on TV, I dreamed of ‘being one one day,’” the man told Zeppet.

The company took 50 days to complete the costume for the man whose identity and location in Japan were not disclosed.

Zeppet, who often creates figures and costumes for movies and TV commercials, studied images of real wolves to incorporate every detail into his client’s costume.

“We created a wolf costume for a personal order. Modeled after the Timber Wolf, the full suit turned out to be a visually stunning reality,” the company wrote.

Customer pictures on the final product look like the real thing. The man praised the Japanese company for its care, craftsmanship and service.

“In the final test, I was surprised to see myself transformed in the mirror,” he said. “It was a moment when my dream came true. My command to ‘look like a real wolf walking on hind legs’ was difficult to say the least, but the entire costume looked exactly as I envisioned it to.”

Zeppet is the same company that was commissioned to create a realistic dog costume for another man, who spent nearly $16,000 to make his dream of becoming a dog come true.

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By Scribe