
One of the most common resolutions that people usually make for New Year, especially those who are single, is to find a stable partner in the next 365 days, a task that is not easy because finding the person with whom you you want to share your days

On the subject, a video shared by a user has caused controversy on TikTok, where the woman shares everything a man must comply with in order to become her boyfriend.

The TikTok user, who was identified only as Salpicón, listed a series of requirements and demands that the gentlemen who want her must complete, including having a car, their own home, having a professional career and even speaking a second language and have a United States visa.

“He has to speak or at least understand a second language. You have to get at least one vehicle… that: ‘let’s go in Uber, I’ll send you the car, see you at the TransMilenio station’ no. That you already have real estate or are already paying the down payment for your apartment or house, ”he added.

The girl added that her requests are the “minimum”, since she has everything she asks for and therefore, she is looking for someone who is “up to her standards”. She also clarified that she does not mention respect, love and loyalty, since that must be included in the relationship from the beginning.

“I didn’t want to say the obvious, but it seems that common sense is the least common of all, so, as you can see in my list of standards or requirements, I never mentioned that he respect me, love me, listen to me, because that is literally the minimum of any human being,” he said.

As expected, the young woman’s demands went viral and caused controversy.

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By Scribe