
Marjorie de Sousa has caused a sensation by posing in a swimsuit on social media. The Venezuelan actress wore a flowery outfit that highlights her entire figure and that she complemented with sunglasses and her loose, wavy blonde hair.

In ‘La Mesa Caliente’, the Telemundo program, they published one of those images and in the comments section there were many messages they left for De Sousa. The Venezuelan frequently receives criticism from Internet users due to her situation with Julián Gil, the father of her son Matías de ella, since he cannot share with the little one due to the refusal of her mother.

About this, they left some comments in this post: “Next please. When they INSTALL her heart I will see if she is “pretty or not”. For now I only see PURE EVIL AND SELFISHNESS in her being ”,“ What we the public saw we saw and this lady is an angel of evil, a wolf in sheep’s clothing. We do not love her and we will never support any project of hers with her ”,“ And what is the use of her? If as a mother all she is doing is harming her son by not allowing her to share with her father”, “The damage she is doing to her son is tremendous. Her ego is stronger than her mother’s love that she supposedly has” and “Even if they put her like a great lady, she IS NOT”.

A few weeks ago Julián Gil himself exploded against ‘La Mesa Caliente’ after an interview they did with Marjorie de Sousa. The Argentine actor and presenter pointed out that the show fell into the “manipulations” of the actress.

“Total inconsistency and if time will take care of it… What a pity that no one asks him the most important thing… Why doesn’t he let me be in Matías’ life… Incredible that everyone falls for his manipulations and conditioned interviews. Normalizing this is the worst thing that can be done… And even more knowing me, ”she said in a comment left in a publication by Verónica Bastos, presenter of the program.

Keep reading: Julian Gil explodes against ‘La Mesa Caliente’ for an interview with Marjorie de Sousa: “Incredible that everyone falls for their manipulations”

Marjorie de Sousa is told about everything after singing to the Virgin of Guadalupe: “Heal your heart and let the child see his father”

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By Scribe