
Many Twitter users have been literally terrified and even assure that they will soon convert to veganism after seeing a video that was originally published on said social network in 2020 but that in recent days has once again been on everyone’s lips.

It turns out that in the video it shows a succulent piece of raw meat, which seems to come to life after a little salt has been added to it. In the images it can be seen as if the meat were “breathing” inside.

“Adding salt to freshly cut muscle causes spasms,” reads the caption to the steak recording.

Why does freshly cut meat move when salt is added?

According to information provided by Scientific American, this occurs when sodium ions activate nerve endings in freshly cut meat, causing the muscles to contract.

Chinese meat inspector Lv Suwen explained the phenomenon this way in a 2015 article: “The central nervous system is dead, but the nerve endings in the muscles are still activated and result in jumps, because the nerves have not yet died.” . This will stop after a short while.”

Although the video that went viral on Twitter seems terrifying, it is actually an indicator that that piece of meat is actually of very good quality, since it is a guarantee that it is a very fresh product, from an animal that has just was sacrificed.

It may interest you:

* VIDEO: A piece of raw meat moves on the cutting board and the networks go crazy
* In vitro meat: The company that produces chicken without killing a single animal
* Child finds a bullet inside a bag of Cheetos

By Scribe