The House of Celebrities will face its next elimination process this Monday. The nominees are: Pepe Gámez, Madison, Liliana Rodríguez and Raúl García. According to @lcdlf2_vip’s account, so far the votes indicate that Raúl García will be saved from the elimination process and the actor Pepe Gámez will be eliminated.
Many believe that Gámez still does not understand the game, the actor believes that the competition will get better in a few days, when in La Casa de los Famosos everything starts from day one. This could be the reason why fans are stopping voting for it, since living with the rest of the inhabitants is already getting spicy.
Madison, for example, unintentionally already began to have friction with Aleyda Núñez and Aylín Mujica over the issue of cleaning the house. While Raúl maintains a kind of feud with Rey Grupero, both live in a stretch and shrink between getting along and getting along badly.
Liliana Rodríguez is also pulling the strings of the house with her way of being that somehow already makes certain people in the house uncomfortable such as La Materialista, Nicole Chávez and Rey Grupero. However, she has managed to establish a very beautiful friendship relationship with Juan Rivera, Paty Navidad and Madison.
Pepe, even when he talks to everyone, remains too distant even when he appears in everything. Fans feel that this famous man is not able to enter the game and since he entered the nomination after the salvation of José, he has remained in the last place of the table.
Read more about The House of Celebrities here:
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