If you are one of those who pack your suitcases an hour before leaving for the airport, intend to read a thousand pages of Don Quixote de la Mancha before an exam, or stay up all night working on something assigned, I am sure that while the clock is ticking against you, you tell yourself a and again: “Next time I’ll do it with more time.”
Precisely, believing that the tension experienced when completing something at the last minute will serve to recharge your batteries and do it on time the next time, is the biggest lie that those who live in procrastination mode make themselves, that vicious circle of continually delaying tasks.
And like any other vice, “doing tomorrow what you could have done today” attracts health hazards. A recent study in Sweden confirmed that those who move exclusively under pressure have a higher risk of suffering from mental conditions such as anxiety, depression and hypochondria.
If that bad habit affects your daily routine and that of your family, root out the loss of time by following these steps:
1. Apply the two-minute rule: Think about what you can complete in that short time and inadvertently you could extend the period. Picking up the house for five minutes today and 10 minutes tomorrow will save you from spending a full day cleaning because visitors are coming, while packing every day for that 14-day trip will allow you to start a more relaxed vacation. If you manage to make this rule a habit, you will realize that there are many things that you will stop putting off.
2. Forget about the world: Avoid anything that distracts you when you start something, like checking social media or answering texts. If possible, turn off your mobile or leave it in an area of the house away from you… Take it to the attic or garage if necessary! And it is that, entertainment is the biggest temptation to postpone everything.
3. Focus on your priorities: Learn to say NO to favors -without urgency- and make a list of all your responsibilities, paying attention to the three most important ones, even if it only takes two minutes.
But even more important, value every second, because wasting time is losing health and life… Don’t leave for tomorrow what you can do today!
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