
Every day you receive dozens of WhatsApp messages, either from your family, friends or people related to your work or business; but you can also receive one or another automatic message from a company and even from someone unknown, so you have to be attentive to what you share with them.

In WhatsApp we can share text messages, voice messages, as well as different types of documents, photos, videos and something that has become very popular among its users is responding to them through emojis and stickers that make our conversations much more personalized, dynamic and fun.

The latter are generally used more by the youngest, who also have a special language to express their feelings through social networks. In fact, there is currently a trend among the new generations that consists of sending a message that has “1437” written on it, either by WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook or Messenger.

Adults and the elderly who have seen or received this message on WhatsApp are intrigued by its meaning, because for them it is a set of numbers that don’t really say anything, but among the youngest it does have a special value.

What does it mean to receive a WhatsApp message with “1437”?

The number “1437” is often used by young people to express their love through WhatsApp. In general, it is usually used in conversations between a couple in love, although it can also be used to express affection for a friend.

The 1 represents the letter l, the 4 is “love”, the 3 “you” and the 7 “forever”; that is, if you receive this number through WhatsApp, whoever sent it to you wants to tell you that “I love you forever”.

Keep in mind that this number can change, depending on the user who sends it to you. For example, if someone sends you only the letters “143”, what they are trying to convey is “I love you” (I love you or I love you).

It may interest you:

* WhatsApp launches voice states: what they are, where they are heard and how to use them
* ChatGPT comes to WhatsApp: how to start a chat with artificial intelligence
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By Scribe