
Although not all women agree that Shakira has used the song “BZRP number 53” for Gerald Pique and reveal details of his infidelity, all those who have experienced a love affair can understand how a love betrayal, peppered with pain and anger It can turn even the most serene woman into the most thirsty for revenge.

The desire for loving revenge is uncontrollably strong. While the singer “billed” her mistakes, “undressing” the real father of her two children, others scratch the ex’s car, speak ill of him on the networks and even sleep with her best friend.

Regardless of deserving revenge, any intention of revenge is a sure rebound, damaging the recovery of the heart. When a partner disappoints you, before thinking a thousand times about how to make them suffer, remember this:

There is no revenge that heals: The intense desire to “collect” every bad time seems to be the immediate solution to get rid of the weight of betrayal; However, taking this measure can be more harmful than having discovered your husband with another, since you end up dedicating more time to the aggressor than to yourself. No matter how hard you try to embarrass or embarrass your ex, you will never fully get even. Rather, any negative impact you wish to deliver will simply bounce back at you, lengthening the recovery process.

Turn it into a cockroach: There is no magic pill to forget it, but a symbolic act can speed up the process. For example, every Valentine’s Day the San Antonio, Texas Zoo offers the opportunity to pay $10 to baptize a cockroach with the name of the ex and feed it to an animal. There are also rats for $25. Another ceremony could be to erase all the memories or write down on a piece of paper everything negative about that relationship and burn it.

There is no better revenge than deleting your contacts, fighting for your dreams and showing how powerful you are, just like Shakira has done. I wonder if he would also turn Pique into a cockroach or a rat this Valentine?

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By Scribe