
They say that Celia Lora, Niurka Marcos and Rey Grupero are the three inhabitants who left the game by decision of the public, in the sixth elimination gala. The only difference is that in this third season not everyone agrees that Rey is the worst of villains, but it is true that many asked for his head, even though those who criticized him so much today miss him in reality, and that is that they consider that The House of Famous looks and feels very sad without the joy of the King.

It is worth saying that the elimination of Nicole Chávez was also one of those desired and that is that today a large part of the public believes that she was the strongest villain of this show in its 2023 edition. Let us also remember that Nicky was the most faithful ally de Rey Grupero inside the house and it was his adventures and misadventures that the public did not finish forgiving Madison Anderson’s dear friend.

The public asks for two new heads in the SUM

Arturo Carmona is the name that sounds the most on 24/7. The public asks for the actor’s head and not only because of his relationship with Dania Méndez and the jealousy that he has shown since they became a couple inside the house, but also because of the nomination he made against Paty Navidad, one of the characters most loved both outside and within LCDLF.

Another name that is now also being criticized is La Materialista, fans say they are fed up with her speeches and there are many who assure that the Dominican singer is falling into arguments with double standards. Her position in the presence of Diego Soldano in her house caused her fans to see her very badly and did not share her position and her opinion at all.

Although Aylín Mujica is another celebrity that fans have been asking to have in the SUM, for some reason the public seems to have paid attention to Arturo and Yameiry, but the one who was a friend of Aleida Núñez and Rey Grupero is undoubtedly on the list of favorites that fans have for the elimination of future galas.

Read more about The House of Celebrities here:
Silence seizes the House of Celebrities after the elimination of Rey Grupero
The public of ‘La Casa de los Famosos’ is happy: Rey Grupero was eliminated
Osmel Sousa goes into his classmates’ closet in ‘The House of Celebrities’ and criticizes everything

By Scribe