
I remember the first time I visited a mental hospital to see my former neighbor, a television producer, who before everyone seemed like the perfect mother, wife and professional; until the day a strong depression betrayed her.

I visited her to encourage her to do her best during medical treatment. In therapy, let’s call her “Elenita”, she discovered that in her eagerness to be perfect at her job and home, she had forgotten herself. Sadly, there are billions of “Elenitas”, because we live in a society that leads women to live for others, forgetting about them. If you feel overwhelmed and can’t find time for yourself, she starts with these steps.

Understand that you can never give what you yourself do not have: nothing you do for others is more important than what they see in you. That is why there are children who, even having “everything”, are unhappy. Take care of yourself physically, mentally and spiritually; eat, rest, have medical checkups, exercise and do pleasurable activities. Never feel guilty about putting yourself first! If you don’t take care of yourself, one day you won’t be able to take care of them.

Create space for good friends in your agenda: It is proven that the happiest often share with their friends. And now, a study published by the journal “Society for Personality and Social Psychology” establishes that friends not only influence the level of stress and the ability to cope with day-to-day loads, but also health indicators. physical, demonstrating lower blood pressure. So always find the time to “get away” and have a friendly time. And if time is very tight, you can lock yourself in your room and have a coffee or a little wine, while you make a call to a friend.

The day “Elenita” began to put herself first, not only was she cured, but she recognized that being a happy mother, wife and employee was more important than being “perfect”.

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By Scribe