The website Benzinga calculated how much money you would have in the year 2023 if you had invested $1 in Bitcoin in 2012, using prices for that year that ranged from $4.72 to $13.51. The average price of a Bitcoin in 2012 was $8.90.
This means that if you had bought $1 worth of Bitcoin, you would have 0.1124 of it.
Bitcoin is currently trading at around $29,600 at the time of writing, so your 0.1124 Bitcoins would be worth around $3,277 today.
This would be an investment return of more than 327,600% in just 11 years.
By way of comparison, the S&P 500, which is a stock index made up of the 500 largest publicly traded companies in the United States, has returned an average annual return of approximately 10% over the past 100 years. Well below Bitcoin.
Now if you had spent $100 on Bitcoin in 2012, you would have gotten 11.24 of it. Currently, these would have a value of $338,680 dollars.
Likewise, if you had spent $1,000 on Bitcoin, you would have 112.4 of them. And currently, those would be worth $3.38 million.
Keep reading:
· Why Bitcoin goes up and down in price so much
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