Today’s horoscope May 1, 2023
03/21 – 04/19
Food issues will become very important since you will become aware of the meaning of that true phrase “we are what we eat” I recommend that you find out about diets based on fruits and vegetables and that you take an appointment with a nutritionist.
04/20 – 05/20
You will be more mental, communicative and reflective, and you will realize that in matters of the heart it is convenient to have a coherent discourse. If you are single, it is likely that you are torn between two proposals, but you should not rush to define. Enjoy the variety.
05/21 – 06/20
Some relatives who passed to other planes will send you a bright message that will comfort your soul. You will have a very helpful attitude with your relatives, since helping them will make you feel useful. Past disagreements will remain in history.
6/21 – 7/20
You will have the luxury of conversing with people with a high level of consciousness who will give you very valuable opinions. You will realize that the more varied the range of points of view, the richer the conclusions you can reach.
07/21 – 08/21
Someone you admire will support you, so you’ll feel covered enough to make some new purchases. When buying, look at the details, since you have the right to enforce the invested capital.
08/22 – 09/22
A vibration of abundance and good fortune will teach you to put aside petty worries to enjoy life. You will realize that our transit through this planet has a limited period of time and that we must honor it by being happy.
09/23 – 10/22
You will dig into the depths of your interior to polish some characteristics of your personality that no longer serve you. Once you shake off the dust, you will discover a precious stone that was kept hidden. You will incorporate a useful spiritual lesson: you are capable of transformation.
10/23 – 11/22
You will participate in social events and group activities in which you will meet beings that you will appreciate as true diamonds in the rough. You will enjoy the interaction and benefit from each person’s input. You will discover the great value of friendship.
11/23 – 12/20
Today life will reward you with one of the best awards that is to achieve the goals you have set for yourself. Although you will rise high, you will keep a low profile and be especially grateful to those who helped you on your way up.
12/21 – 01/19
Nothing will give you more satisfaction than seeing life as an ideal setting for learning. You will see that as you progress you will incorporate new knowledge. If you have children, you will prioritize their education and you will strive to transmit valuable lessons to them.
01/20 – 02/18
Sex and affection will be combined in a perfect formula and your home will be transformed into a kind of garden of Eden. You will realize that conditioning the bedroom with candles, flowers, sounds and aromas helps you to improve your performance.
02/19 – 03/20
When it comes to talking you will be much warmer and that will promote a climate of encounter. You will realize that when good intention prevails in dialogue, tangible positive effects are generated. If you are single you could meet someone at a park, restaurant or mall.