
The Secretary of Security of the Mexican state of Nuevo León reported that 9 of the 50 migrants who were kidnapped by an armed group when they were traveling by bus on a highway in San Luis Potosí were rescued.

The victims are all men from Venezuela and Honduras and their ages range from 18 to 35 years.

Around 4:40 pm, Civil Force policemen found six of these asking for help. Subsequently, they located three more migrants.

“The migrants were sheltered to be attended by migration authorities,” said the Secretariat through its social networks.

Late Monday night, the Nuevo León Attorney General’s Office (FGJNL) reported the kidnapping of a group of 50 migrants who were traveling to the border state.

The Prosecutor’s Office added that the events occurred that same day on the border of San Luis Potosí with Nuevo León. Two Mexican drivers were also kidnapped.

“During the early hours of May 15, 2023, the owner of a (passenger) bus that was transporting a group of foreign migrants learned, through the GPS location of the vehicle, that in the state of San Luis Potosí, it had out of its route”, detailed the FGJNL.

The vehicle allegedly remained immobile for 30 minutes, during which time the passengers were deprived of their liberty by armed and hooded individuals.

The owner of the bus filed a complaint for the theft of the unit in San Luis Potosí. This is why both prosecutors work together on the case.

The bus with migrants left from Tapachula, in the state of Chiapas, one of the main routes by which undocumented immigrants arrive in Mexico bound for the United States. The kidnappers were asking for a ransom of $1,500 per person.

The bus manager would have received a call from the operator’s phone asking for that sum to rescue people.

Keep reading:

Some 50 migrants were kidnapped by armed men in northern Mexico

By Scribe