
Today’s horoscope July 2, 2023


03/21 – 04/19

You will feel a strong impulse to explore new horizons, both physical and intellectual. You will be drawn to the idea of ​​broadening your perspective, seeking the truth, and delving into new cultures and philosophies. Your adventurous spirit will be at its best. Enjoy this expansive energy!


04/20 – 05/20

It is wonderful that you have reached a point in your life where you are willing to face the truth and break free from bondage. This will be a moment of transformation and personal growth, where you will have the opportunity to be reborn like the phoenix, leave behind what limits you.


05/21 – 06/20

You will seek company and connect with other people. It will be a propitious moment to establish alliances, both in the monetary and emotional spheres. You will discover that life becomes more enriching when there is a desire to share.


6/21 – 7/20

Your body is a sanctuary, a sacred place that houses your being! Take care of him with love and keep him pure. Take advantage of the ancient teachings of yoga and other ancient practices to raise your level of consciousness. Remember, health is the foundation of joy and happiness.


07/21 – 08/21

Your being will be ignited, your spirit will be filled with joy and your mood will be greatly elevated. This day will be special, dedicate it to doing what you like. Remember, what you want you will have, so focus on what you really want to manifest in your life.


08/22 – 09/22

You will feel an internal vibration that will invite you to open the doors of your emotions and seek a deeper connection with your home and your beloved family! You might feel called to explore new and exciting ways to express your feelings.


09/23 – 10/22

Get ready to awaken your mind and fully connect with those around you. You will be ready to engage in non-judgmental, open and sincere dialogues. A brotherly vibration will surround your close relationships. You will walk hand in hand with another being, exploring new experiences and adventures together!


10/23 – 11/22

You will feel an internal impulse to seek greater abundance. You will be attracted to opportunities that allow you to increase your financial stability. You will have the motivation to explore new sources of income or invest in projects.


11/23 – 12/20

You will own a very powerful energy. You will be able to focus and move forward on the issues that you are most passionate about. Lately, you have been immersed in family matters, which has drained your energy. But now, with all your being, you will feel that it is time to take care of yourself!


12/21 – 01/19

You will have the opportunity to forgive old offenses and show your most pious face. Sometimes you can be a bit intransigent in the face of mistakes, but this attitude does not help you in your spiritual evolution. It is time for you to be more understanding and put yourself in the place of the other.


01/20 – 02/18

Today you will have the opportunity to connect with people of different ages, ideologies and customs. These connections will bring you a valuable dose of joy and optimism. Close your eyes for a moment and visualize a new life project in which you feel truly happy and fulfilled.


02/19 – 03/20

You will feel greater confidence and determination to achieve your goals. You will experience expansion in your career, which will lead you to seek opportunities that allow you to grow and achieve greater recognition. You will seek a vocation more aligned with your sense of purpose.

By Scribe