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By Miyeilis Flores

Jul 25, 2023, 13:08 PM EDT

The healthy lifestyle and good nutrition are the subject of studies because it goes far beyond a trend or fad, such is the case of the rise that the Harvard dish has taken in front of the food pyramid, which according to a technologist has blunders.

Miguel Ángel Lurueña, a doctor in food science and technology and scientific popularizer, explains that “the Harvard plate is a diagram drawn up by the Harvard University School of Public Health to launch dietary recommendations to the population.”

It is about dividing the circumference into four parts that represent a group of foods that we should take at each meal. Vegetables, healthy proteins (fish, nuts, legumes…), whole grains, quote Huffington Post.

While the food groups and the frequency with which we should eat them are represented in the food pyramid, but the expert warns in an interview with Telva magazine that “it has blunders such as cereals, which appear at the base, when that place should be for fruits, vegetables”,

According to Lurueña, the “Harvard plate” banishes the classic food pyramid.

The Harvard plate consists of dividing it into four parts that represent a group of foods that we should eat at each meal.
Credit: Shutterstock

The expert indicates that whole foods are healthier than refined products, while warning that it is not essential to eat all whole foods, such as pasta, rice or flour.

This same principle “It is wrongly applied to other foods such as sugar: between brown sugar and white sugar there is hardly any difference, what we should do is reduce its consumption or even avoid it.”

Regarding the issue of whether eating healthy is more expensive than junk food, Lurueña explains that “eating well is not expensive”, which is why she recommends buying “fruits, vegetables, vegetables… which is what we should base our diet on and what is most affordable”. However, she warns that it is not to be tempted to eat poorly since it is very cheap.

By Scribe