how-many-children-would-clarissa-molina-like-to-have?-the-dominican-reveals-itHow many children would Clarissa Molina like to have? The Dominican reveals it
Avatar of Maria Fernanda González

By Maria Fernanda Gonzalez

02 Sep 2023, 14:18 PM EDT

Clarissa Molina opens her heart to let her loyal fans know more about her thoughts, her private life, and what she expects from now on in her professional path.

In an exclusive interview with ‘HOLA’, the Dominican talks about what the end of her commitment to Vicente Saavedra has meant for her, who already presumes that Ninoska Vásquez is very loving; her new conquest.

The Dominican does not stop believing in love and claims to have the doors open for when the opportunity to fall in love comes again. “I am not closed to a relationship, I am not closed to love at all… I am open to love, I love love and love stories. I want to get married at some point, I would love to get married and make a home in such a beautiful house”, says the young reporter from ‘El Gordo y La Flaca’.

Likewise, it reveals much more than you expect in your personal future next to a person: you want to build a family, you know very well what you want and you are preparing for it.

“I would like to have two children, the couple, that would be ideal. I am thinking about it and training for when that happens, ”she highlights.

Likewise, the model and actress points out that she would like children to come into her life naturally.

“I would love to have my babies naturally, I would like them to come out of my belly. Thank God, there are so many tools today, science so advanced, that we can have children in many ways and including adopting, but I would love to have it with the partner I have, with the best father that God can give me for my children. ”, says presenter.

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