reduce-cholesterol-and-triglyceride-levels-with-these-4-medicinal-plantsReduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels with these 4 medicinal plants

A healthy diet, sleeping well and consuming medicinal plants can help to easily reduce triglyceride and cholesterol levels. Scientific studies reveal that artichoke or artichoke, basil tea, rosemary water or tea, and green tea can have positive effects on health.

These four plants, due to their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, are used as home remedies to reduce cholesterol and triglycerides.

The consumption of excessive calories, refined sugar and ultra-processed foods influence the increase in triglycerides and oxidative processes in cells that generate chronic inflammation, which is one of the main causes of diseases.

There are other factors that silently influence inflammation on a daily basis, such as stress, poor sleep, and the influence of the food industry on the consumption of certain types of food.

The increase in ultra-processed foods increases the presence of fat in the body, increasing triglycerides. This increase in body fat can present as yellow spots on the skin of the face and eyelids, having fat in the liver, always being tired, chronic fatigue and pain throughout the body.

The nephrologist Nicolás Veller explains in a talk on his YouTube channel that normal values ​​for triglycerides are up to 150 mg/dl, and warns that “more than 500 mg/dl of triglycerides is very dangerous, it can cause pancreatitis and cause death.” ”.

Foods to lower triglycerides and cholesterol

There are several foods that, consumed in moderation, can reduce triglycerides and cholesterol, such as: avocado, chia, flaxseed, fish rich in omega-3, nuts such as walnuts and almonds, shelled fruits such as apples, pears , grape, guava and raw garlic.

Avocado is a source of antioxidants
Credit: Shutterstock

Veller, who is a specialist in integrated medicine, explains on his YouTube channel with more than 4 million followers, that there are foods that should be avoided if you have high cholesterol or triglycerides, such as: red meat, not eating more than 300 grams a week, junk food and ultra-processed foods.

He also does not recommend fruit juice, especially orange juice because it contains high amounts of fructose, which can cause fatty liver and high triglycerides.

For Veller, triglycerides can be lowered without medication, and naturally, as long as they are not too high in the blood, and the person makes healthy changes in their lifestyle.


artichokes and asparagus
Due to their low fat and caloric content, artichokes and asparagus are very favorable foods for burning fat
Credit: Shutterstock

The artichoke is a plant that contains polyphenols, which are powerful antioxidants that help the body’s cells function better. Scientific studies have verified that artichokes help to significantly reduce LDL-C and triglycerides.

The artichoke can be consumed in infusions, cooked as a garnish, stewed and in salads.


Mostly known for its uses in the kitchen
Credit: Shutterstock

Basil is a plant of more than 100 different species, which contains polyphenols, and a substance called eugenol, which according to scientific evidence, prevents and combats the formation of atherosclerotic plaque, which causes clogging of the arteries.

Dr. Veller recommends a cup of basil infusion to see health results. He also recommends adding leaves of this powerful plant to meals.

Green Tea

Green tea has several presentations, the traditional form or matcha tea, which is the ground tea leaf.

Dr. Veller ensures that polyphenols and flavonoids are substances with high antioxidant power, which is why they help prevent the process of oxidation and cellular inflammation.

The green tea leaf is left to dry so that it does not ferment and thus does not lose properties such as polyphenols, flavonoids, caffeine and L-Theanine.

Among the benefits of drinking green tea is: burning fat, decreased probability of having some cancers, and increased intelligence and brain function.

Studies indicate that green tea and black tea produce statistically significant reductions in total cholesterol.


Rosemary can be consumed in infusions, oils and water
Credit: Shutterstock

Another plant that helps control triglycerides and cholesterol, rosemary, which is a rich source of various anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds that can boost the immune system and improve circulation.

Rosemary contains carnosic acid, an antioxidant, helps protect brain cells from age-related changes.

Keep reading:

. Find out how nuts can help keep you healthy

. Eating oily fish improves cardiovascular health: proven by science

. Discover 3 amazing benefits of eating oats proven by science


By Scribe