gloria-trevi-celebrates-approval-of-reform-on-human-traffickingGloria Trevi celebrates approval of reform on human trafficking
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By Reform Agency

26 Oct 2023, 01:59 AM EDT

The singer Gloria Trevi celebrated the approval in the Chamber of Deputies of a reform that toughens the penalties for the crime of human trafficking, expands the causes of vulnerability of the victims and introduces the use of technologies as a tool to commit this crime.

In a conference, accompanied by the coordinator of Morena, Ignacio Mier, and legislators from different benches, she stressed that the reform modifies a law that had remained unchanged for a decade.

“Today marks a before and after in the support and protection of victims. Women have achieved these changes, because they have decided to no longer remain silent, they inspired me to tell my story in a series that managed to connect with the audiences and made it possible to make even more visible various problems that millions of women in Mexico experience and that, When they saw it, they were able to recognize themselves and act,” he said, referring to the series “Ellas Soy Yo.”

Yesterday, the Chamber of Deputies approved reforms to the General Law to prevent, punish and eradicate crimes related to human trafficking and for the protection and assistance to the victims of these crimes with the objective of adding the use of information technologies. information as part of the means to recruit victims and to reach consumers of human trafficking.

It points out that the shelters that care for victims have to be specialized and incorporate sexual orientation, gender identity, health condition and belonging to indigenous and Afro-Mexican peoples or communities as causes of vulnerability.

In these cases, the crime will be punished more forcefully. To do this, authorities at the three levels of government must design and apply care and training models with a gender and human rights perspective.

Trevi, who said he was a survivor of this crime, thanked Mier for having presented and promoted these modifications, which were sent to the Senate for their constitutional effects.

When asked specifically, Trevi rejected being a victimizer, as some point out, and indicated that her presence in the Chamber of Deputies was intended to give more visibility to the issue.

“None of the people who were in that situation are victims or perpetrators, you cannot be when you arrive as a minor, to begin with, although some have arrived older, but you arrive in a situation as a minor, do not think that the years “They make you stronger, more intelligent or more resilient when you are in the hands of a person who destroys your self-esteem, your strength, separates you, distances you from the family and exploits you at work,” he indicated.

Keep reading:

· Gloria Trevi reveals in her bioseries that she suffered an abortion because of Sergio Andrade

· Gloria Trevi assures that she will pay all the taxes she may owe

· Gloria Trevi was the surprise guest of La Casa de los Famosos México

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