By The Child Prodigy
28 Oct 2023, 00:22 AM EDT
Horoscope for today October 28, 2023
03/21 – 04/19
You’re looking to stay calm so no one gets hurt. Make decisions from wisdom rather than ambition to win. You will become a guide so that others do not trip over the same stones and avoid hitting the wall.
04/20 – 05/20
On this day, your compassion will overflow and you will feel a deep desire to help those in need. Maybe you decide to visit a hospital or nursing home to provide help. Offering your service to the community will be a source of relief for you.
05/21 – 06/20
You will throw yourself fully into your social environment and, thanks to your spirit of solidarity, you will help your friends and acquaintances overcome adversity. The groups in which you participate will benefit from your contribution, making you an indispensable link to foster unity and integration.
06/21 – 07/20
Your humanism can shine through your work. If you are in a position of authority, be considerate of those who depend on you. And if you aspire to an important position, overcome those fears and resentments! Don’t hesitate to apply.
07/21 – 08/21
You will embrace a philosophy of life full of compassion and humanity. Additionally, you will find opportunities to grow and leave painful experiences behind. Your spiritual strength will intensify and you will become a beacon of guidance for those who feel excluded or disoriented.
08/22 – 09/22
You will radiate a healing and transformative energy that will touch the hearts of others. You will discover the real roots of conflicts and work on their resolution. If you carry a wound or trauma with you, consider embarking on a therapeutic process.
09/23 – 10/22
Life will give you a unique opportunity to heal past wounds caused by loving experiences. Pay attention to the treatment you give to your current partner, so that you both enjoy a healthy relationship. If you meet someone new, keep in mind the lessons learned.
10/23 – 11/22
You will perfect your craft and develop very valuable tools. Through your work, you will help others face difficult situations. If you are in the healthcare field or have a sick loved one, your contribution will be a ray of hope that will make a difference.
11/23 – 12/20
If your loved one is going through difficult times, extend your hand to help them find joy and fulfillment again. The key to your own happiness will lie in letting go of selfishness. With your light and generosity, you will be like a balm that will heal a wounded heart.
12/21 – 01/19
The time has come to heal those difficult experiences from the past. If your parents or family members were a little rough with you, show understanding and accept that they did the best they could. Now, you will be able to provide shelter and love to someone who will need protection.
01/20 – 02/18
When someone chooses you as a confidant, remember that the simple act of listening without judgment can bring relief. Your words will be like a healing balm, so open the channels of communication. If you feel distance from a cousin or sibling, encourage rapprochement.
02/19 – 03/20
You will appreciate the good in others and will have gestures of great generosity when it comes to money. Your valuable contribution will be of great help to some people who are going through economic crises. Thanks to your financial support they will be able to move forward and find a more prosperous path.