cold-december-in-the-middle-of-halloween:-temperatures-up-to-30-degrees-below-normal-in-the-us.Cold December in the middle of Halloween: temperatures up to 30 degrees below normal in the US.
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By The newspaper

31 Oct 2023, 08:33 AM EDT

This Halloween will feel like December due to a drop in temperatures in several parts of the United States.

A powerful cold front from southern Canada will spread across much of the U.S. this Tuesday, bringing temperatures as low as 30 degrees below normal.

According to CNN, portions of the West Coast and Florida will be the only areas that will not feel the drop in temperatures.

In the case of Philadelphia and Washington, DC, for example, temperatures that rose to 80 degrees last weekend will be in the 50s.

Particularly, the change in the weather pattern will be notable in parts of the East where its inhabitants will go from a warm, summer-like weekend to freezing temperatures.

For much of the east and south, temperatures will fall almost 10 degrees below normal for this time.

In the case of cities like Dallas, Texas, the highest temperature will be in the 50s.

In Houston, the cold record will be broken for a day like today. Weather records reveal that the high of 57 recorded at Bush Intercontinental Airport for this date since 1960 was reported twice, in 2019 and 1993.

In that city, temperatures could drop to 45.

In the Rocky Mountain area, the outlook will slowly begin to warm up today compared to the cold weekend, but conditions will still remain quite cold for the day.

Forecasts indicate that cold air will continue across the northern United States for much of the week, but in the south and center, conditions could improve before the weekend.

In eastern areas, the weather is expected to improve a little over the weekend, but before then the cold will be evident with temperatures that will not go above 60.

For example, tomorrow, in New York, the maximum is estimated at 50 and the minimum at 40. The maximum for the remainder of the week will be 63, according to forecasts this Tuesday.

By Scribe