By Clary Castro
31 Oct 2023, 2:47 PM EDT
The actor’s work goes beyond the flashes of the spotlight, photographs, autographs and interviews. This is not the actor’s day, this is just a part that comes as responsibility for the work done. This is why we spoke with the young actress Luisa Galindo who gave life to Liliana Regueiro in the ViX series, “Gloria Trevi: Ellas soy yo”, a production by Carla Estrada.
In this conversation, Luisa acknowledges that “the response from the public has been very pleasant,” in relation to the series, which has not only been a success for the streaming platform, but also on a television level, since it is already part of the series. of Televisa programming and the ratings have also favored it.
Luis Galindo, in the midst of all the recognition that the project is receiving, also highlights that “there are always divided opinions,” especially because the case of Gloria Trevi and Sergio Andrade raises many sensitivities and has always generated division. But beyond this, what is currently capturing the public’s attention is the series that exposes the interpreter’s version of “Psychiatrist Doctor.”
In this story, as we told you before, Luisa Galindo gives life to Liliana Regueiro. But who is this character in the middle of all this notorious scandal? Liliana, at that time, was a painter who dreamed of being an actress and singer. And who, as we see in the series, came into Sergio Andrade’s life through the intervention of Maria Raquenel Portillo.
Regarding the character and its construction, Luisa tells us her preparation work with the character began six months before recording, with table readings. “The production itself gave us teachers so we could build the characters,” she said.
“I had the great opportunity to be able to work with Liliana Regueiro herself, who in the series is seen playing my mother and later herself, which helped us a lot to connect and to have a broader idea of what she was like.” When I was young… these were elements that helped me a lot to build the character,” stated Luisa Galindo.
During our interview Galindo also accepted that on a personal level “after a while it was challenging,” since she spent being Regueiro practically from Monday to Saturday, which is why every time she returned home she had to remind herself that all acting work that she was doing, it was just that, a performance and that all of that was not happening to her.
Don’t miss the series by producer Carla Estrada on ViX +, which has 50 episodes, which has made up an entire first season, whose chapters range between 40 and 48 minutes in length. The actors that make up part of the main cast are: Scarlet Gruber, Jorge Poza, Felicia Mercado, Eduardo Capetillo and Luisa Galindo among others.
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