hispano-stabbed-another-man-several-times-on-christmas-eve:-accusation-in-new-yorkHispano stabbed another man several times on Christmas Eve: accusation in New York
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By The newspaper

Dec 28, 2023, 01:13 AM EST

José Aníbal Moreno Rodríguez was arrested on suspicion of stabbing a young man several times in the middle of a verbal fight that turned physical on Christmas Eve in Long Island (NY).

On Sunday, December 24, at approximately 9:30 p.m., the 59-year-old suspect got into an argument with a 25-year-old man in New Cassel, Nassau County police announced.

Westbury resident Moreno Rodriguez pulled out a knife during the fight and began stabbing the victim in the stomach several times. When police arrived, he was arrested without incident. Both he and his unidentified victim were taken to a hospital for evaluation and treatment.

The reason for the dispute is unclear. Miraculously the young man did not die and he was reported in stable condition. Moreno Rodríguez was charged with assault and criminal possession of a weapon.

He pleaded “not guilty” at his arraignment and is scheduled to appear in court again on Friday, January 5, it was reported yesterday. DailyVoice.

All charges are mere accusations and those charged are presumed innocent until proven guilty in court.

In a similar case, hours later a minor traffic incident at dawn on Christmas Day ended in a bloody knife fight in Queens (NYC).

By Scribe