the-house-of-famous-people-4:-this-is-how-the-voting-goes-within-hours-of-the-salvation-testThe House of Famous People 4: This is how the voting goes within hours of the salvation test
Clary Castro Avatar

By Clary Castro

01 Mar 2024, 16:40 PM EST

Today there is proof of salvation in Telemundo’s La Casa de los Famosos 4. Tonight Lupillo Rivera must compete to save his right to save one of the nominees. The inhabitants who make up the sixth nomination list are: Bebeshita, Robbie Mora, La Divaza, Ariadna Gutiérrez and La Bronca. Consequently, last night’s gala opened the voting process and hours before the salvation test, those in the public go as follows:

The House of Famous People 4: Does Maripily Rivera explode and leave the room?

This is how the voting goes for the sixth salvation test in La Casa de los Famosos 4/ Photo Courtesy.
This is how the voting goes for the sixth salvation test in La Casa de los Famosos 4/ Photo Courtesy.
Credit: Courtesy

The salvation strategy could be interesting depending on the piece that the winner wants to move in this whole dynamic. For example, if Lupillo wins the test and he saves La Bronca, the predictions would be fulfilled and the elimination would be between Bebeshita and Robbie, the latter, as we see in the graph above, is the one who comes in last place. Of course, saving the radio host is an option as daring as it is worthy of a villain.

La Casa de los Famosos 4: Lupillo Rivera wins the sixth leader test versus Alana and Clovis

What do I mean by this? Simple, she already said that she wants to leave and she is asking her teammates to help her leave the competition. For this reason, leaving her in the game would be going against her wishes and forcing her to stay or pushing her to resign as Gregorio Pernía did or to flee with Thalí García herself.

The House of the Famous 4: Lupillo Rivera is exposed before Alfredo Adame

Now, even though many would like the elimination to take place in the following way: Robbie Mora as the sixth to leave the house by public decision. There are also those who would like Bebeshita to be eliminated, because her presence in the competition has already begun to make many viewers uncomfortable.

Continue reading more about Telemundo’s La Casa de los Famosos 4 here:
· La Casa de los Famosos 4: La Divaza and the nominations that announce the next one eliminated from the game
· ‘La Casa de los Famosos 4’: Thalí García’s husband reveals whether or not he felt jealous of Lupillo Rivera
· The House of Famous People 4: Thalí García and Sophie Durand face each other in La Mesa Caliente

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