column-by-ismael-cala:-a-word-against-indolenceColumn by Ismael Cala: A word against indolence
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By Ismael Cala

02 Mar 2024, 11:24 AM EST

Alessandro Bariccó, Italian philosopher and author of “The Game”, an essay in which he explains the current digital revolution in which we live, affirms that this entire process led us to create a second world, which, far from being an alternative to the previous one, is an integration with its virtual reality.

The “game” is the name with which Bariccó defines our society, in reference to “Spaces Invaders”, because unlike other previous revolutions, the genetic trace of this one is video games, and because its representation is similar to our behavior. social on the internet: if they attack us we defend ourselves, and everything happens quickly.

It is a game without instructions, in which many will do whatever it takes to survive the little numbers. That is why, from anonymity – and many times without it -, some social media users show behaviors and thoughts that are full of unethical, antipathy, selfishness; and it is not that before social networks these actions did not exist, it is that since there is a screen in between – in addition to some legal loopholes -, some feel untouchable when it comes to constantly violating others.

I am one of those who think that those who act like this on the networks also do it in their daily lives, they just try to hide it and take actions when they think no one sees them.

Thus, for example, after the unfortunate fire in Campanar (Valencia, Spain), where hundreds of people lost their homes and in which 10 died, a public complaint was made in which some young people on TikTok invented knowing a victim fatal to leave goodbye messages and thus gain “likes” and “views”.

It saddens me to think about what happens in the homes of these young people, who already show unscrupulous attitudes towards the pain of others in order to gain visibility.

Luke 6:45 says that, “A good man, out of the good treasure of his heart, brings out what is good; and the bad man, from the bad treasure, brings out what is bad; for out of the abundance of his heart his mouth speaks.”

If we want to live in congruence with our well-being, we must always think about whether what we are going to say or do causes harm, because the bubble of numbers on networks exacerbates everything. Ethics, above all, must be our collective compass; let us not forget.

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