the-work-“we-are-united”-reflects-the-trajectory-of-an-immigrantThe work “We are United” reflects the trajectory of an immigrant

The realities that immigrants face upon arriving in a new land will be captured on the boards of the Producers Club Theater, through the new one-man show by actor, comedian and journalist Ronen Suarc, titled “We are United.”

“An Argentine immigrant lands in the United States in search of a better life, full of grandiose dreams, but he is faced with obstacles and surprises that he did not anticipate,” explained Suarc, who not only inspired the main character, but also collaborated closely on the creation of the work together with director Kevin Cass (with credits in hits such as “Afterglow”, “Somos Nuestros” and “Vidas Privadas”) and screenwriter Diego Castro, under the production of Club Media.

Like his character, Suarc is an Argentine immigrant who left his homeland to work on his aspirations. For four years now, he established his residence in New York City, where he has managed to work with various media outlets and develop his role as an actor, culminating in the honor of headlining a show on Broadway.

“The Latin presence on Broadway is necessary and that is why it gives me great satisfaction to present ‘Eres Unidos’ just a few blocks away from the great theaters where great productions like ‘Moulin Rouge’ and ‘MJ’ are held. This not only represents a personal achievement, but a triumph for the Latin community,” said the artist.

“We are United”, which begins its presentations on March 21, is not only a reflection of the dreams, disappointments and achievements of those who venture far from their homeland in search of a better destiny, but it is also a compendium that presents these topics from a humorous and moving perspective.

“The idea basically arose because I felt that in some way I wanted to tell not only my story, but the story of many migrants, because we all have things in common. It is important that we do not get stuck in the negative side of the obstacles or difficulties of being immigrants, and see the good side of things,” he stated.

Despite the satisfaction of presenting a play so close to the Broadway circuit, ‘We are United’ was not an easy job, since it is a project that took approximately four months of preparation and effort on the part of the entire team.

“It was a very big challenge because it requires a lot of demands on stage and in production. It is a 50-minute work and with everything on my shoulders. I had to memorize more than 30 pages. That part of the work was quite demanding and I took it as if I were going to film a movie,” said the actor.

The performance is in Spanish and will take place on March 21, at 8:00 PM, at the Producers Club Theater (358 West 44th Street). After his presentation in New York, Ronen Suarc will take “We are United” on March 26 to Miami (Tower Theater) and on March 28 to Orlando (Timucua Arts).
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By Scribe