sergio-mayer-answers-whether-or-not-it-affects-him-that-his-son-likes-to-wear-feminine-clothingSergio Mayer answers whether or not it affects him that his son likes to wear feminine clothing
Cindy Quevedo Avatar

By Cindy Quevedo

01 Jun 2024, 15:54 PM EDT

Mexican Sergio Mayer expressed that he is proud of his son and that he supports him in his decisions to dress and express himself as he wishes. He stated that today diversity and inclusion are important values ​​that must be promoted in society.

“Those who criticize are those who have some complex, some nonsense in their heads that they spend their time criticizing (…) We must be respectful, tolerant, inclusive. The one who criticizes is the one who has some complex and some emotional or mental problem and, far from giving anger, it gives pity (…) They have every right to express and everyone takes the criticism as they want,” she said in front of the media.

In addition, the Mexican actor and politician called to respect the individual freedom of each person to dress and act according to their tastes and preferences, without judging or discriminating against anyone based on their appearance or way of being. “I wear two earrings and I wear a woman’s blouse, I feel comfortable, I feel at ease,” he said during their conversation.

“I have so many things I want to bring than where I put them. It’s irrelevant I think. It is a quite functional accessory. I really like that about fashion. In the men’s area (there are) pants, shirt or jacket all the time, the color changes, but the design does not change. “I go to the women’s area and find this type of thing and obviously it is very different,” added the 58-year-old Mexican about using a purse.

Mayer highlighted the importance of educating new generations in tolerance and respect for diversity, to build a more just and equitable society for all.

“It is irrelevant that this is designed for a woman’s body because anyone can use it (…) I am always trying to be as genuine as possible with myself,” he expressed.

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· Sergio Mayer’s tattoos made his wife, actress Issabela Camil, jealous
· Sergio Mayer will launch a book about his personal and professional life and controversies
· Javier Ceriani from Chisme No Like exposes Sergio Mayer: the police arrived and they say that the actor hid in the kitchen

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