amlo-went-to-his-polling-station-to-vote-in-the-presidential-electionsAMLO went to his polling station to vote in the presidential elections
Jerald Jimenez Avatar

By Jerald Jimenez

02 Jun 2024, 11:04 AM EDT

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador went to vote minutes after the polls opened for the Mexican presidential elections. His right to vote did so in a box located in the Art Museum of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP), in Mexico City.

López Obrador cast his vote with his wife, Beatriz Gutiérrez Müller. The president, without giving further statements, expressed “Cheer up!” to those present. For her part, Gutiérrez Müller, when asked by the press about her vote, responded smilingly: “The vote is secret.”

The historic elections have been marked by violence, with 22 murdered candidates recognized by the Government. However, independent groups record more, such as 34 reported by the consulting firm Integralia, which raises the figure to around 250 political homicides when including advisors, officials, family members and collateral victims.

Although the Government has stated that the monthly incidence of homicides has fallen by more than 20% during López Obrador’s administration (2018-2024), the opposition denounces that his six-year term will end as the most violent, with more than 180,000 murders. .

López Obrador has expressed his support for the official candidate, Claudia Sheinbaum, who has led the polls and is starring in the electoral contest with the opponents Xóchitl Gálvez, of the Fuerza y ​​Corazón por México coalition, and Jorge Álvarez Máynez of the Citizen Movement.

With the participation of López Obrador at the polls, it is expected that Mexican citizens will begin to vote in what will be the largest elections in the history of Mexico, with 98 million voters. More than 20,000 positions are expected to be renewed, including the presidency, the 500 deputies, the 128 senators and 9 state governments.

By Scribe