donald-trump-recognized-the-support-he-receives-from-hispanics-in-the-united-states:-“they-are-good-people”Donald Trump recognized the support he receives from Hispanics in the United States: “They are good people”
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By Luis De Jesus

02 Jun 2024, 21:07 PM EDT

Former US President Donald Trump expressed his opinion about Latinos in the United States and highlighted his support and connection with this community. In a recent interview broadcast on Fox News, he stated that Latinos are “good people, entrepreneurial and with great energy.”

“They’ve always liked me and I’ve always liked them. I have had good results with them. In 2016, I won the entire Texas border (with Mexico),” said the former president, although although Trump won some border counties, the majority of the Texas border voted for Democrat Hillary Clinton.

Donald Trump “agrees” with anything

During the interview, which aired this Sunday on the morning show Fox and Friends, the magnate also addressed his recent conviction for 34 crimes of document falsification in New York.

Despite the seriousness of the charges, he stated that he is prepared for any sentence that New York judge Juan Merchan hands down on July 11. “I’m OK with whatever,” Trump said, downplaying the possibility of house arrest or parole.

The conversation, cited by the Efe news agency, focused on his political strategy and his views on the current state of the country. He also denounced what he considers an “instrumentalization” of the Justice Department and the FBI, harshly criticizing his internal opponents.

“These people are sick; she is upset. We talk about the external enemy and the internal enemy. You have China or Russia, but if you are a smart president they can be handled easily. But the enemy within is doing a lot of damage to our country. “They want open borders, high interest rates and quadrupling taxes,” declared the former president.

He also addressed the issue of justice in the United States and compared it to the problems of judicial independence faced by many Latin American countries.

“This instrumentalization is something very dangerous. We have never had it in our country. It happens in other countries, in South American countries,” said Trump, who referred to the challenges faced by many nations in the south of the continent.

As the Republican convention approaches, where he will likely be confirmed as a presidential candidate, polls show an increase in his support among Hispanic voters.

Historically, the Hispanic community has tended to vote for Democratic candidates, especially during Barack Obama’s campaigns. However, this time around, Trump appears to be gaining ground against incumbent Democratic President Joe Biden.

Keep reading:
• Trump creates a TikTok and in less than 24 hours he already surpasses Biden’s campaign in followers
• Trump says he is not afraid of a house arrest sentence: “I’m OK with anything”
• If Trump is sentenced to prison, the Secret Service would also be imprisoned with the former president, according to NYT

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