elections-in-mexico:-jorge-alvarez-maynez-is-the-first-candidate-to-go-to-the-voting-boothElections in Mexico: Jorge Álvarez Maynéz is the first candidate to go to the voting booth
Jerald Jimenez Avatar

By Jerald Jimenez

02 Jun 2024, 12:17 PM EDT

The candidate of the opposition Citizen Movement party, Jorge Álvarez Máynez, went to a polling station in the Roma Norte neighborhood, in Mexico City, to exercise his right to vote, being the first of the presidential candidates to go to vote.

Álvarez Máynez, who was accompanied by his wife and children, spoke to the press before heading to box 4533, where he had a setback with some voters who asked him to line up like everyone else. Finally, he cast his vote after a wait of a little over 30 minutes.

“Very happy, very grateful for what we can do, very proud to reach this day without having broken the law, without having offended or attacked any of the opponents. Coming with the cause and the values ​​that I believe in, proud of the way we did the campaign,” declared Álvarez Máynez.

Before going to the box, Álvarez Máynez declared that he spent a moment of recreation playing soccer with his son Luciano. After voting, the candidate indicated that he would go to his campaign home, reported the Mexican media Excelsior.

“It is a unique experience to see your name on the presidential ballot, to cross it. A privilege that I was able to do it with my son, that children are allowed to be there and teach them the process,” declared the opposition candidate after voting. “It’s a small box, you know that it was uncomfortable for so many media to arrive at the lines where the people were, we were able to organize ourselves and in the end it turned out well. (…), I have been a polling station official and I know that organization, counting, and distribution are not easy.”

Polls across the country are expected to close at 6:00 pm, depending on the time zone, to begin counting ballots. At approximately 8:00 pm the first results of the quick count are expected to be given.

Meanwhile, the official candidate Claudia Sheinbaum and the opposition candidate Xóchitl Gálvez are expected to cast their vote shortly.

With information from Excelsior

By Scribe