4-practical-ideas-to-make-a-homemade-air-conditioner4 practical ideas to make a homemade air conditioner
Avatar of Montserrat Arqué

By Montserrat Arqué

07 Jun 2024, 19:27 PM EDT

In the United States, air conditioning is an integral part of life during the summer months, especially in regions where temperatures can be extremely high.

Many homes, offices and vehicles are equipped with central air conditioning systems or portable units, allowing people to enjoy comfortable indoor temperatures even when the heat outside is stifling. This not only improves quality of life, but can also be crucial for health, helping to prevent heat stroke and other problems related to extreme heat.

However, not all people have access to air conditioning. Low-income communities often cannot afford to install or maintain air conditioning systems due to the high costs associated with purchasing, installation, and energy consumption. Additionally, older homes may not be equipped to support the infrastructure necessary for modern air conditioning. This lack of access can result in dangerously hot living conditions, especially for the elderly, children, and those with pre-existing health conditions, increasing the risk of heat-related illnesses.

For those who cannot afford an air conditioning system, there are homemade alternatives that can provide temporary relief from the heat and below we show you some ideas so you can cool off on these days of high temperatures.

1) You will only need a Styrofoam cooler, PVC pipes, a small fan and frozen water bottles.

2) A plastic bucket, PVC pipes, a fan and ice will be all you need to make your own air conditioner.

3) You can also make a homemade air conditioner with a plastic container.

4) The closest thing to a real air conditioner.

Keep reading:

* How much will electricity bills in the United States increase during the summer of 2024 due to air conditioning?
* The 7 best air conditioning units to save on electricity this summer in the US.
* The temperature at which the air conditioning must be to save electricity

By Scribe