michelle-renaud-surprises-the-networks-by-showing-how-advanced-her-pregnancy-isMichelle Renaud surprises the networks by showing how advanced her pregnancy is
Julio Blanca's Avatar

By Julio Blanca

08 Jun 2024, 18:34 PM EDT

Michelle Renaud and Matías Novoa have shared the excitement they have for the child they are expecting, and that is why they have been seen in recent photographs showing off the Mexican actress’ belly.

In a recent publication they made, the famous couple saw each other in several moments and something that caught attention was how advanced the artist’s pregnancy looked.

To accompany the image, the protagonist of soap operas like ‘La Herencia’ wrote: “Flipando.”

Users wrote some messages for the artists with great emotion: “I love it”, “How pretty and what a tummy”, “You look beautiful, Mich”, “How beautiful it is to see them together. What a beautiful relationship they have. Yesterday I finished watching ‘The Inheritance’ on VIX and it almost caused my divorce. “I just wanted to spend it looking at the novel, they are excellent artists.”

A few months ago the Chilean actor was talking about the projects they have planned for his future. “The baby is not born here (Mexico), he is born in Spain, we have a life plan there, we are going to start another adventure together with Milo. We are already waiting to leave.”

Matías Novoa indicated that TV productions will continue to be his north: “No (I will leave acting). Well, I don’t know what life has in store for me. I also really like working behind the scenes. I’ve even considered taking a photography course, since I love it so much. Also, I would love to direct.”

Another detail that he revealed a few months ago was: “The good thing is that we finished recording just when Mich is in the last two months of pregnancy. This way I can enjoy the first months with the baby. “I want to give myself a break to be with Mich in this wonderful stage.”

Keep reading:
• Michelle Renaud and Matías Novoa’s son will not be born in Mexico and we will tell you all the details
• Michelle Renaud told what causes her concern in this last stage of her pregnancy
• Michelle Renaud does not remain silent about those who judge her marriage with Matías Novoa

By Scribe